
"Things I want for Christmas Dear Santa,"

Snuggled into a ball beside me was a bundle of warmth. I wondered what time Aubrie had snuck up into our bed last night. Daylan had left for work early this morning and as I lay there I wondered if Deacon was miraculously still asleep -and if I might get a few more minutes of sleep myself. I closed my eyes again when a sliver of light crept through the door. I held me breath. If I was lucky Deacon would just climb into bed with Aubrie and I and we could drift for a while, in and out of sleep. But no such luck. The door closed quietly and I could now hear him busy in the office. Again, I held my breath as I slid out of bed. I didn't want to wake my little sleeping beauty. I stood there with my shirt all twisted, and my hair a mess and Deacon looks up at me "good morning mom. How was your sleep? Do we have any envelopes?" hmmmm. I needed a minute to adjust to the light. Why does he look like he has been up for hours? Probably because he had. He wakes when his dad does, he always has. "Why do you need an envelope sweetie?" I am desperately trying to adjust to the lights he has turned on. "For my letter to Santa." So matter of fact. So sweet. I just love him! Then I saw this sweet little letter to Santa. There are a few spelling mistakes but I still manage to get through it. I made a photocopy to mail off and I will be holding on to the original letter. I intend to keep it safe for a few years then frame it on my wall. Moments like these just don't repeat.


Day said...

This is perhaps THE sweetest thing ever! Deacon! Seriously, how lucky are we! Can't wait to see you guys later tonight. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Eden, have you considered writing a book?

Eden Lang said...

lol. that is very sweet. thanks for the support.