
Its late. The kids are all tucked in. I've responded to a few e-mails and there is a quiet hum that seems to radiate right through me. I'm not sure what triggers this memory as my mind flashes back to the evening you came over with Ysa but I welcome it. She was maybe two weeks old and Mike was working late. We figured it was a perfect night to help you start your blog and catch up on some sister time. After dinner I held Ysa on the back porch as she slept and you so sweetly helped Daylan clean up and tuck Aubrie and Deacon into bed. What a generous sister you are...its been a hard week Mer. I have been needing another sisters night. Needing our tea and long talks. A girl movie. I need a good laugh! So why am I sitting here wiping my tears simply because I can't take your picture any more. Its ridiculous I know! I'm being ridiculous. Look at me! what a mess...

...tomorrow I am going to do some pictures for Hannah. I'm looking forward to it. I am even shooting some film again with an old Yashica- (I hope it still works) you would love it! It feels good to shoot film again. There is just something about film that is exciting to me. It even sounds different as I shoot...

Oh! Ysa is getting around now. Well, sort of. She is doing a half crawl. She gets so frustrated and has a bit of a fit when she can't get to me or her toy fast enough:) You would love it. I love it. Its just so cute. So fun to watch her grow. To see how excited Deacon and Aubrie get about every little new thing she masters, really what more could we ask for? They adore her.

I miss you. Mikey, take care of her. We miss you both so much.



Style Stage said...

I'm so sad for you. I have become addicted to your words. You seem to me, as a distant reader, a beautiful soul with a heart so full.
Your dignity and love are beyond words.


paula said...

You are so not a mess. Photos are so powerful especially when its your passion. She was so beautiful. We have Yashica's! I need to pull one out. Love film too. Wish we lived closer.

ec said...

i'm excited to see the film ... i love love love it.

gorgeous picture of ysa, as always.

Heidi Allred said...

I can't wait to see your film photos! How fun. I'm sure they will be stunning as always. As you are.

Matt and Cindy Miller said...

Thank you for your honesty, and the way you share your feelings. I love it, and it reminds me to appreciate the people I love in my life. I miss you, and love the pictures you post.

Cheri said...

I'm sad. I miss Merin. Another beautiful picture - thanks. One of my favorites.

H and E said...

Life is so fragile, thank you for your words and for showing me to live life to the fullest even when there may be a lot of pain, you are inspiring.

I am obsessed with this picture...TO DIE FOR!

shanan said...

oh eden. my heart aches for you. keep your chin up. merin is closer than it sometimes feels.

Anonymous said...

heart whispers

Allison {Live Love Small} said...

beautiful words and memories. love that photo!

Oh Gorgeous Baby said...

Eden you write in such a way that I felt like I was on the porch with you. Gorgeous picture of little Y. How old is she now? She sounds similar to my Aston.
I am sure Eden is smiling with you when you see Y doing something new and beautiful.

Oh Gorgeous Baby said...

I meant I'm sure Merin is smiling wit you xo