After Japan we lived down the street from the Meiklejohn's in Vancouver. A talented architect couple and their two boys. Now, this makes me feel old, however, I babysat these boys a time or two-when we were all younger. Ew. I feel old! But it was so lovely to see this family again after so many years. We shot at their beach house which was an absolute retreat. Thanks again for having me, I hope to see you again soon,
these photos are yummy! hehehe
Can I please live at that beach house, looks amazing! Good work!
P.S. I was laughing hysterically at your comment on my blog. It is so wierd we were wearing shoes...need to work on that!
Fun to see those boys all grown up. Nothing like seeing kids you used to babysit - now adults - to make you feel old! lol. Great pics. Love the last one!
i knew i should have been an architect. What a delightful paradise. Nothing like seeing someone you baby sat all grown up to make you feel old. I think the only thing worse is to see someone you baby sat all grown up and married with children before you are. It happens.
I love seeing these posts of Vancouver...reminds me of the trip, it was such a great time out there.
If it makes you feel any better, I was surprised that you babysat for them...getting older is a little scary sometimes! I'm glad you keep up with your blog, I love checking it every now and then. I'm pretty sure it's been 6 months or so since I updated mine......oops! Great pictures, it looks like a beautiful place.
Great readiing
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