Oh- my goodness I love this face. I love it in every season, every mood, every single day. I adore those dark brown eyes. Whether they are happy-sad or angry. I just simply adore you my little angel. So if you find a dark cloud hanging over you today I will wait it out with you.
your ever adoring Mom.
Kodak TX 400
Oh my - that's quite the stink-eye. I too, love this face, even this expression. The wonderful thing with Aubrie is that the sun comes out so quickly, her nature is so incredibly generous. She teaches me.
Love this shot.
Love it Eden. Does it seem like we get to see this look more now since she has started school? At least those dark clouds pass quickly with this little cutie...we are lucky...but wow can they be intense.
Oh Eden...the expression on that dear face and in those pools of chocolate!!!! Beautiful!
She cracks me up, I love her spunky attitude!
You make cute kids!
ohh i could eat her up!!! love her!
What beautifully expressive eyebrows she has. All the better to communicate with you my dear.
I love the pouty face! She is just so adorable :)
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