Kayden is my sweet little nephew- my little brother's baby and they've just had baby number two a little over a weeks ago. I am excited to share pictures of Mark and Tiffany's littlest one. If you only knew the sweet personalities that goes with these darling little faces you would understand why we are all so nuts about the Mark Litchfield Family:)
Contax 645
I agree - as beautiful as that sweet face is, the baby is even sweeter. Thanks for posting this. Love it. And looking at it I realize that I love that expression of watchful anticipation that Kayden has - the look that expects to be amazed. If others only knew that in seconds he is about to break into a huge grin.
Why can't I look that cool
Haha! Kayden looks like such a grown up little man in this picture. He is so sweet and his fat little cheeks are so smooth. I'm lucky to have such awesome nieces and nephews!
also Day... that's pretty much what you look like.
haha...thats cute Jonathon:)
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