
The White Family
Its always so exciting to see a family getting ready to send someone off on a mission!

Contax 645


maria lang said...

these are so great Eden. Love all the little moments :)

Cheri said...

What fun , happy pictures :)

Bonnie White said...

Unfortunately Josh has to have wrist surgery which include a bone graft and casting for 3-4 months then physio. Only then will he be cleared to leave. It was disappointing news. And I am wishing I had never worn that polka dot skirt. It adds a bazillion pounds! You do beautiful work Eden. We need to order. Please send me your email and we can arrange that. busybonster@gmail.com

Cheri said...

Ha! Bonnie - I was thinking you looked so cute! You have such fun style.

Anonymous said...

Great family shoot Eden! Seriously these are some great images, love the feeling of them. We need to get our fam done soon!
