My brother continues to encourage me to write. The problem is I sit in front of the screen and feel- stuck. I don't want to write of the snags in my heart, I suppose after the accident I wrote and found it therapeutic. And now when I search my thoughts in front of the computer I find those emotions are so readily there. So I keep it simple. Its not that my days are cloudy and sad, not at all. I am happy and busily raising my three beautiful children. I simply miss my sister and her friendship. But I do have so much to smile about. Even as I write, Ysa is climbing into my lap, still warm from her afternoon sleep..."ma-ma. Ma-Ma! shoes on." And I can't deny how my whole being warms for her. She is such a beautiful mix of her loving parents. So many endearing qualities. My beautiful girl, almost two. From here on as I continue to heal, I hope to sit down and write without fear. But to focus on our family now and all the beautiful up and downs that comes with that.
sry, i follow your blog about a month now. i loved the pictures, thats why i followed it. but i never read your writtens until now.
ok, i am going to read through your blog now. but i just wanted to know, is your sister dead?
because if she is. i know exactly how you feel! i lost my two years old twin sisters 3 years ago and that feeling of missing the most important human in the world is sooo terrible and i really don't wish someone that feeling of lost. i lost my sisters and something inside of my broke and it feels like it will never fix again.
At 2 they are not really babies anymore are they? She is such a sweet girl and quite funny. It's been a pleasure to get to know her.
I think you write beautifully.
She is perfect and these pictures almost break my heart. They are so very beautiful. Thank you.
Your talent brings me so much - comfort, joy, beauty, peace....
Love you for always....Mom
so sorry :( :( :( hugs to you. these photos are so timeless and beautiful. i wish you a healing heart.
Beautiful Ysa, beautiful mama! Twice blessed! xxx
I love your photos - and your words are that much more precious for their brevity.
God bless,
Keep writing and never stop expressing. These photos of Ysa are soooo beautiful and sweet. xoxo
Beautiful pictures as always :)
Never stop writing even if it is difficult at times. Writing with the purpose of exploring a difficult experience and the emotions associated with it, allows you to organize your thoughts, gain power over them, and enhance your sense of self for the purpose of personal development. And just as photos capture an important moment in time, so too can your writing. (This sort of thing is the focus of my final project for my MA ... sorry for going on about it, but I really believe in the importance of writing and healing.)
Such gorgeous portraits of a precious little girl. Thank you so much for taking these Eden. I love them. Ysa melts my heart and brings me so much happiness. All the little people in our family do and we're particularly lucky to have her. And she's blessed to have you.
Thank you for writing. I love hearing your voice everytime I open your blog. Along with your art, your entries are some of my favorite things to read (along with mom's blog)!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love this post.
Good heavens she's adorable!!! Your family certainly knows how to make beautiful babies, not to mention beautiful art. Love your blog Eden.
You have the wondrous knack of simultaneously making my heart overflow with the beauty of this world and making it ache with what beauty it lacks. Thank you so much for sharing.
Always an admirer.
I as well absolutely adore your blog and I also love reading your words. You always remind me how lucky we all are. Your children are the most beautiful little people.
Hope to see you all soon.
You see Eden .... we all love your writing and have missed it. So glad to hear your voice here again. It is unique and beautiful.
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