Today is the 12th. Two days left. I am dreading this. My hands seem to clam up whenever I think of it. I hate to admit it. Another Birthday. But there is nothing to be done. Time passes us. Is vanity part of it? Ya, I think so. Some nights when things are quiet I sneak to the bathroom, lean in nice and close to that reflection and just stare at those lines that are appearing on my face. Why must this happen? But most importantly my babies are growing. Simply growing too fast! And though I love our busy weekends, and look forward to the summer camping trips I like things the way they are. I don't want to take things for granted. I will take the struggle of "gross" dinners and picking up toys over driving lessons, teenage mood swings and OH- the matter of what they will want to wear!!! I don't know if I can handle Aubrie dating and Deacon shaving! (getting ahead of myself I know but it just can't be helped!) I like things simple. Milk, lego, and dolls. So for now I like things as they are. Not perfect but very lovely. My sweet children...please be good for me.

Well, since you are getting so old and wrinkled and ugly - what with soon being 30 and all - it is a good thing that you have such a beautiful little daughter and the amazing ability to take pictures that tell a story. But from someone who knows you well, inside and out, you are beautiful and only get more so all the time.
DO enjoy this golden time in your family but have faith that as good as this is, they only get better. I loved you guys as teenagers and now as adults you are all simply the best!!
And... I do love these pictures. It is great to see some new work. I've been missing it!lol
Oh, Eden! I know exactly how you feel ... my birthday is just two months away and I am not looking forward to it. I forget that I'm not 18 anymore, though I still feel like I should be.
You are a beautiful 30-year-old. Don't look a day over 29! :) I hope you have a good birthday. I know how you feel. I'm just a month behind you!
Happy early Birthday! Is is weird that I am excited about my upcoming 30th?
Yes Happy early Birthday!
I am one of those crazy gals who LOVES my bday. I embrace it and hand out treats to strangers all day! I figured the day will come so I should just enjoy. I remind my nieces and nephews all the time to always remember no matter where they or I am to please make sure I have a bday cake. Nothing taste as sweet as a bday cake to me.
My dear friend just recently becoming a fan of your blog- I can see your have created wonderful foundations for your children- and have a funny feeling they will be good to you. smile... Enjoy! xo
Happy Birthday...and I have to agree with mom...
teen years are wonderful and don't let anyone else tell you differently!
It is like hearing horrible childbirth stories...yes, everyone has their own slant..
but teens don't have to have wild mood swings and can be even more fun than young kids...they have the emotional capacity to really really get life and understand you and themselves..
amazing the things you will share and the joy of watching your children grow and matter what age
Yes! enjoy now..but don't ever dread the future!
Well today is the day sweetie! Happy Birthday! The big 3-0, don't you feel all grown up.
Yeah Happy Birthday, I hope you had a great day. You are so absolutely gorgeous, a rare beauty that I know will be stunning at any age so you don't need to worry. And I have a feeling those kids of your will keep you young.
...I guess I'm not the only one who looks forward to being 30!
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