
"I'm getting MARRIED!"

Things were quiet, nice and quiet. You would think this would alarm me (being a mother of two). Sadly no. I continued to wash the dishes in ignorance...little foot steps pitter patter behind me and there is my daughter, happy and so totally Aubrie. She had stripped herself down and had helped her self to my clothes (which in her defence are currently at her disposal as ALL my clothes are STILL all over the bedroom floor as we are building a closet). She simply smiles and grabs a camera as she informs me..."I'm getting married mom, I just need my camera." My first thought was to tell her that the brides usually don't need a camera when they get married and then a horrible/hilarious thought occurs....poor little confused Aubrie...I wonder how many times she thinks her mom has been married?! I get dressed up to go to a wedding (to shoot a wedding) and I always have a camera. Which explains why my sweet little funny child thinks she needs a camera to get married.

Here, step into the moment with me and look at this girl!


Heidi Allred said...

That's adorable! I like her makeup job too!

Eden Lang said...

yes, it was face painting day at gymnastics. what a combo!

Millie Strong said...

Such a cute story! Eden you have the most adorable children- I love reading your blog!

Lisa Thompson said...

great story!

Unknown said...

lol...your title for this post took me back a bit buddy. aubs is too cute.

janet l moran said...

I LOVE the combination of face paint and camera, these are really sweet.