Her boots appear on the other side of the door. Next I see her jeans drop. As I wait for her to emerge from her dressing room all I can see is little naked toes dancing around. A few minutes later, I ask again. "Are you sure you don't want any help?" Again I am refused. A few more struggles and I can see she has one leg in. She pokes that little head under the door with this..."wow. this is my lucky day!" When the door finally opens I know I cant refuse her the most ridiculous pants I have ever seen. "OH. MY. GOSH!" I mean honestly...
An adorable post on a little girl and her "lucky day"! Almost sounds like a children's book- doesn't it? Your sweet post made my day as bright as her cute pants. xo
I feel so honoured that I got a personal viewing of the stunning pants on that darling little girl! I don't know how you do it, Eden, but you capture Aubrey's personality in your photos so perfectly. She is hilarious!
An adorable post on a little girl and her "lucky day"! Almost sounds like a children's book- doesn't it? Your sweet post made my day as bright as her cute pants. xo
I don't think she could be any more cute!
Oh my word she is absolutely gorgeous. I am actually a little jealous of her pants!
The pants are sooooo Aubrie! Who else could rock those? She makes me smile.
Hilarious!! I love her style!!
I am taken back to what life must have been like when I was her age. Her posing is to die for!
What a little rock star...
Those are the funniest things I have ever seen, and I love that she feels fabulous in them!
So we need to get miss Ava a twinner pair of those beauties! Those for sure will be faves long after she can't squeeze into them! ADORABLE!!!
holy cuteness! Those pants were made for her, she looks so cute!
haha! I love. I really do think our babies would hit it off perfectly.
I feel so honoured that I got a personal viewing of the stunning pants on that darling little girl! I don't know how you do it, Eden, but you capture Aubrey's personality in your photos so perfectly. She is hilarious!
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